A typical FLEX FORMAX Home Care deck consists of up 6 precision formulation vessels in 1 formulation module, 3 overhead gravimetric dispensing robotic tools, a variety of racks with vials, syringes, heated and disposable pre-formulation vessels and much more.
As alternative a deck with 12 precision formulation vessels (150 ml) in 2 formulation modules is feasible without additional racks.
The FLEX FORMAX Home Care has the unique capability to exchange Robotic Tools and therefore change it's functionality on the fly, resulting in:
The formulation module is a working entity consisting of 6 individually controlled, high precision formulation workstations. Each workstation with its own vessel / blender, feed vessel and syringe pump can be customized and controlled to match almost any formulation workflow.
Chemspeed’s AUTOSUITE software packages execute and control all modules in every solution. They control all Chemspeed robotic platforms and any other integrated 3rd-party software and hardware.