This paper presents GLAS (Git-based Lab Automated Scheduler or Get Lab Automation Simplified), an open-source, robust, and highly expandable Git-based architecture designed for laboratory automation. GLAS can be deployed in both partially and fully automated experimental science laboratories, enabling the development of a multi-layer scheduling system while maintaining a systematic architecture grounded in a Git repository. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GLAS through case studies from the Swiss Cat+ automated chemistry laboratory, showcasing its versatility and potential for widespread applicability in various laboratory automation contexts. By offering an open-source scheduling environment, our aim is to foster the development of accessible and adaptable laboratory automation solutions within the scientific community.
For details:
Jean-Charles Cousty a, Tanguy Cavagna b, Alec Schmidt b, Edy Mariano a, Keyan Villat a, and Pascal Miéville a
a. Swiss Cat+ West Hub, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
b. Département Informatique et systèmes de communication, Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture HEPIA, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
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