Chemspeed solutions for process research

Quality by design (QbD) and proven acceptable range (PAR) driven solutions for accelerated, standardized, digitized process research and chemical development.

Process development aims at truly mimicking the final industrial production process (incl. reaction preparation, chemical reaction, work-up, analysis). Integrated reaction sequences regarding a number of critical process parameters have to be optimized simultaneously and requires a high degree of flexibility.


Process research example solutions

Chemspeed’s automated solutions have been designed for high output experimentation in the development, optimization and scale-up of chemicals. This cutting-edge technology allows scientists to execute reaction screening and development workflows in a fully automated fashion:

  • Gravimetric solid and liquid dispensing
  • Independent control of all process parameters in each reactor
  • PAT like IR, NMR, UV-VIS, PSD, calorimetry, pH
  • Feeding (gas, liquefied gas, liquid) and sampling under reaction conditions
  • Cleaning in place (e.g. automated cleaning, inserts)
  • Easy access to all process data with a convenient interface into Excel or virtually any other software
  • Closed loop by interfacing with e.g. AI, ML, DOE
PharmaAgroFine & speciality chemicalsBiomaterialsRenewables & energy researchCatalystsPolymersCeramics & abrasivesPorous materialsNanomaterialsLubricantsPaints coatings & adhesives
Process research Pharma
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online benchtop IR.
3 /
Life science industry faces the increased demand for innovative, “Rule of five compatible small-molecule” medicines against various diseases.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven automated process R&D / chemical development, scale-up and preparative synthesis.
5 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
6 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
7 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop NMR.
8 /
Parallel, automated and real-time calorimetry in high-precision Qbd process reactors for e.
9 /
Automated all-in-one batch and / or flow chemistry with independent, precise process parameter control in each reactor, multistep reactions and workup with optional online benchtop NMR.
Process research Agro
1 /
Life science industry faces the increased demand for innovative, “Rule of five compatible small-molecule” medicines against various diseases.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven automated process R&D / chemical development, scale-up and preparative synthesis.
3 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop NMR.
5 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
6 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online benchtop IR.
7 /
Parallel, automated and real-time calorimetry in high-precision Qbd process reactors for e.
8 /
Automated all-in-one batch and / or flow chemistry with independent, precise process parameter control in each reactor, multistep reactions and workup with optional online benchtop NMR.
Process research Fine & speciality chemicals
1 /
Life science industry faces the increased demand for innovative, “Rule of five compatible small-molecule” medicines against various diseases.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven automated process R&D / chemical development, scale-up and preparative synthesis.
3 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
5 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop NMR.
6 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
7 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online benchtop IR.
8 /
Parallel, automated and real-time calorimetry in high-precision Qbd process reactors for e.
9 /
Automated all-in-one batch and / or flow chemistry with independent, precise process parameter control in each reactor, multistep reactions and workup with optional online benchtop NMR.
Process research Biomaterials
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
Process research Renewables & energy research
1 /
Life science industry faces the increased demand for innovative, “Rule of five compatible small-molecule” medicines against various diseases.
2 /
End-to-end automated (mixed) oxide synthesis by pH-controlled precipitation, ion exchange, sol-gel processes, incl.
3 /
Accelerated, standardized, digitized automated zeolite and metallorganic framework (MOF) synthesis and work-up by precisely controlled hydro- and solvothermal synthesis.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
5 /
The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our quality by design reactor as well as process excellence and user friendly software enable you to accelerate, standardize and digitalize your fuel cell catalysts and membrane discovery / optimization as well as optimization workflows.
6 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
7 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
Process research Catalysts
1 /
Quality by design driven, scalable olefin polymerization, incl.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop NMR.
3 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online benchtop IR.
5 /
Life science industry faces the increased demand for innovative, “Rule of five compatible small-molecule” medicines against various diseases.
6 /
Automated, quality assured, scalable polyolefin and rubber catalyst synthesis (Ziegler-Natta, single-site).
7 /
End-to-end automated (mixed) oxide synthesis by pH-controlled precipitation, ion exchange, sol-gel processes, incl.
8 /
Accelerated, standardized, digitized automated zeolite and metallorganic framework (MOF) synthesis and work-up by precisely controlled hydro- and solvothermal synthesis.
9 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven automated process R&D / chemical development, scale-up and preparative synthesis.
10 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
11 /
The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our quality by design reactor as well as process excellence and user friendly software enable you to accelerate, standardize and digitalize your fuel cell catalysts and membrane discovery / optimization as well as optimization workflows.
12 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
13 /
Automated all-in-one batch and / or flow chemistry with independent, precise process parameter control in each reactor, multistep reactions and workup with optional online benchtop NMR.
14 /
Parallel, automated and real-time calorimetry in high-precision Qbd process reactors for e.
Process research Polymers
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
2 /
Quality by design driven, scalable olefin polymerization, incl.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
5 /
Automated, quality assured, scalable polyolefin and rubber catalyst synthesis (Ziegler-Natta, single-site).
6 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
7 /
The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our quality by design reactor as well as process excellence and user friendly software enable you to accelerate, standardize and digitalize your fuel cell catalysts and membrane discovery / optimization as well as optimization workflows.
8 /
Parallel, automated and real-time calorimetry in high-precision Qbd process reactors for e.
9 /
Automated all-in-one batch and / or flow chemistry with independent, precise process parameter control in each reactor, multistep reactions and workup with optional online benchtop NMR.
Process research Ceramics & abrasives
1 /
End-to-end automated (mixed) oxide synthesis by pH-controlled precipitation, ion exchange, sol-gel processes, incl.
2 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
Process research Porous materials
1 /
End-to-end automated (mixed) oxide synthesis by pH-controlled precipitation, ion exchange, sol-gel processes, incl.
2 /
Accelerated, standardized, digitized automated zeolite and metallorganic framework (MOF) synthesis and work-up by precisely controlled hydro- and solvothermal synthesis.
3 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
5 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
Process research Nanomaterials
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high output process R&D / chemical development and preparative synthesis.
2 /
The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our quality by design reactor as well as process excellence and user friendly software enable you to accelerate, standardize and digitalize your fuel cell catalysts and membrane discovery / optimization as well as optimization workflows.
3 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
4 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis with online / offline benchtop XRD.
Process research Lubricants
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.
Process research Paints coatings & adhesives
1 /
Quality by design (QbD), proven accetable range (PAR) driven high-output process R&D / chemical development, preparative synthesis, work-up, and analysis.

Automate and digitize your process research now.